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Get more than your credit score:

  • Unlimited access to your credit score
  • Automatic credit monitoring
  • Email alerts of activity in your name
  • Comprehensive credit learning center
  • Toll free access to Customer Service
  • And much more!
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What can a good Credit Score do for you?

Having a good credit score can mean lower interest rates on home and auto purchases, big savings on insurance premiums, and even increase employment chances! We let you see your score instantly to see where you stand, while also allowing you to verify accuracy and monitor your credit report for changes.

What is a credit score?

A credit score is a summary of your entire credit report information into one 3 digit number between 300 and 850. Credit reporting agencies use a complex mathematical calculation to determine this number by comparing your information to the patterns in thousands of past credit reports, scoring identifies. Your credit score provides a lender with a general idea of how likely and how often your are to repay your loan. The higher your score, the more likely you'll be approved for a loan and often higher scores come with lower interest rates and better repayment options.

How is my credit score calculated?

There are many types of score factors that can have a positive or negative effect on your score. The factors are listed in order of the degree in which they affect your score negatively, meaning that the factor listed first is what has the most effect your score. Some of the factors that can negatively impact your score are:

  • Too many inquiries (how often you apply for credit)
  • Too many serious delinquencies (how timely your account payments are)
  • Too many recently opened accounts (new lines of credit you have opened recently)
  • Average balance of revolving accounts is too high (what you owe vs. what is available)
  • Too few mortgage accounts (what types of credit accounts you have)

Who uses my credit score?

Your Credit scores are often used as one of the main tools creditors, employers, landlords, insurance and finance companies rely on to determine your creditworthiness. Your score is a quick snapshot that is often used when credit decisions are made quickly. Creditors may also obtain your full credit report, to access more detailed information to aide their decision on your level of risk.